Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School for Bo and Sophie

We are 2 weeks in to school and I am just now getting my "Back to School" pictures up. Bo and Sophie both are enjoying school and they both have their Best Friends in their classes this year.

I am so lucky that my mom works at the school my kids go to. She called me just this morning and reminded me that Bo is supposed to stay after school today and I totally forgot. This was the first day of school and we stopped by her office to say hi. Sophie was so excited and Bo was just ready to get to his classroom.

Next stop, Sophie's 1st grade classroom; we love Mrs. Denton!

We finally made it to Bo's 4th grade class. I had to ask Mrs. Sanders to step outside so I wouldn't embarrass Bo too much when I took this picture.


Flo said...

What a fun year they have ahead! I hope Bo won his first game this weekend.

Lee said...

Love these pictures Jodi, you are really getting good with that camera!

Joyce said...

I was just looking at my bookmarks from my old computer and saw your blog...we bought a mac and I'm kinda slow to get everything switched over.

Looks like you had a happy summer...I'm going out of town for a few days but will be stopping back by here for the peach cobbler recipe for sure. That was magazine perfect.