He's so adorable. Sometimes I just can't stand it! This little boy melts my heart and he is 3 years old.

We are still learning about Reed's personality. He is definitely the comedian of the family. He loves to make people laugh. He is between the age of wanting to be a "big boy" and still wanting to be the baby. He just can't decide. Just last night at dinner, Michael and I were admiring a cute little baby at another table. A few minutes later, Reed said, "Mommy, I don't want to be a big boy anymore." Reed is also coming into the age of having friends. He has always loved to play with Bo and Sophie and their friends, but now he is learning how to have friends his own age. He was very well behaved in his preschool class and he was the only boy for most of the year. I think because I know that he is my last child, I am trying to postpone his aging. I don't mind that he wants to be the baby still, because I love to hold him and cuddle with him.
On the day of his birthday, June 30, Reed, Cooper and I met Michael at Chic
Fil A for lunch. Reed got ice cream for dessert and Cooper got a milk shake.

We even got a visit from the Chic
Fil A Cow.

Sometimes I just get a really good picture of my kids and I want to blow it up and put it in a frame. I think this is one of those pictures.

That night, we got some cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday to Reed. Here he is showing us he is "3 years old."

We had Reed's party on Sunday afternoon. I just served some appetizers and desserts. I made some cheese dip, grilled some smoked sausages, and had cheese and crackers. I purchased a Cookie Cake and a Micky Mouse
CupCake Cake from
Publix, bought some brownies from Sam's, and I MADE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PEACH COBBLER I HAVE EVER SEEN. You can see a close-up of the cobbler and the recipe below.

Showing their muscles, getting ready to eat cake

Blowing out the candles
All the grandparents

Parker, Reed, Cooper and Carson
Reed got a sandbox from Nana and Grandaddy.

He loved the
Spiderman Bike from Nana and Papa!
And here's the Peach Cobbler!!!! I even did the lattice-work crust! After a long and careful deliberation, I decided we would actually eat the cobbler and it was as good as it looks (if I do say so myself).
Peach Cobbler
10 - 12 peaches
2 cups sugar
2 sticks Butter
2 Pre-made Pie Crusts, cut into 1 1/2 inch strips (the kind that are rolled out in the refrigerator section of the grocery store)
Peel and slice all the peaches. You should have about 8 - 10 cups of peaches. Add sugar and melted butter. Mix well.
Pour half of the peach mixture into a greased casserole dish. Next, layer pie dough across the top of the peaches, it doesn't have to be pretty because it will be in the middle of the cobbler when you serve it. Sprinkle pie dough with sugar and place in a 350 oven until crust is brown and peaches are bubbly.
Next, pour the rest of the peaches onto the browned pie dough. Then layer the top of the cobbler with pie dough. To make the lattice appearance, I placed all the long pieces on first. Then I started in the middle of the cobbler with the shorter pieces, weaving them through the longer pieces. Very hard to explain, but not too hard to do. It helps if the pie dough is very cold.
Put little pieces of butter all over the pie crust and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for about 1 hour or until crust is brown.
This is my Aunt Thelma's recipe although she calls for a homemade pie crust. I think Pillsbury works just fine.